About Me
Hi, My Name Is Ebony.
I am a Degree Qualified and Registered Nutritionist.
After several years working one-on-one with clients as a Retail Nutritionist, I've moved into the online nutrition space where I now work with people from all walks of life to achieve their personal health and fitness goals.
I'll be honest I used to get upset when my clients fell off their meal plan or exercise regime. I was certain that if I became the dictator of their health and told them what to do, they would listen, get results, be happy and achieve their loftiest health and wellbeing goals.
But that's the thing - most people already know what to do.
So, what do they need help with? Why hire me?
Then it dawned on me - they need help taking action and staying accountable. As I'm sure you can relate, they needed someone to support them not if but when they do fall off their meal plan or life gets in the way. I get it now!
Full disclosure: I do not have some revolutionary weight loss program or the perfect "personalised meal plan" for you. If you are after a quick fix or a "one size fits all" approach - you will not find that here.
If you are looking for long-lasting sustainable results you've come to the right place.
My holistic approach involves a specialised combination of nutrition education, mindfulness and natural therapy. It's helped thousands of people feel empowered to make better choices about their food, enjoy eating without guilt or restriction, improve their energy and achieve their health and lifestyle goals.
It is important to understand that lifelong health and nutrition is just that - lifelong! And it is a journey - one I am perfectly happy to travel with you on.
All I can say is I am going to support you.
I am in your corner every step of the way.
It's going to be imperfect but it will work out.
I look forward to working with you.
Ebony x